Information Illustration

Visual information design and illustration.

Illustration, presentations, and interfaces to help make complex ideas simple and engaging.

Where science meets art.

I went into design with a background in science and an interest in visual communication of complex information. I’m always happy when I get a chance to work in this area. Examples of illustration, visual information design, iconography, presentation design, print design, and complex interface design are below.

Valley Water District

Water Data Portal Interface

History Museum

Digital Storytelling Exhibit

Educational Children's Book

Book Illustration

Speakers, Authors, Businesses

One Sheet Design

Medical Device Company

Manual Illustration & Design

Education Company

Children’s Illustration & Product Design

History Museum

Map-Based Museum Interface

Speaker & Workshop Facilitator

Presentation & Handout Design

Microexpressions Expert

Book Illustration & Design

Futurist Speaker

Keynote Presentation Design

Personal Project

Hand-Drawn Information Design

Author & Speaker

Animated One-Line Icons

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