Gratitude & a Gift

For YOU!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving here in the U.S., a holiday that has its origins in giving thanks for the harvest and the blessings of the year.

Our country still feels raw after our recent divisive election. I, like many others, am concerned about our future administration’s extreme ‘alt-right’ and antiscience leanings.

But I didn’t think much about politics yesterday.

My husband and I drove out to my parent’s apartment in San Francisco to enjoy an early dinner with my folks and a few of their friends. Conversation at the table ranged from topics such as traveling by train, the design of cathedrals, and the significance of labyrinths (which, unlike mazes, are designed to help you find yourself rather than get you lost— in case you wanted to know). Talk of politics was, for the most part, avoided.

My parents are excellent hosts, and yesterday they did all of the dinner preparation and stacked the dirty dishes in the sink instead of letting me wash them. I appreciated the experience of being a guest in their home and not worrying about what was happening behind the scenes or in between people. I also enjoyed meeting my parent’s friends, hearing new perspectives, and shaking up old patterns. I came home with a warm heart filled with gratitude for the many blessings of life, including the chance to spend an afternoon with kind and interesting people.

This weekend I’m going to put together my ‘thank you’ bundles for the clients I’ve worked with over the year, which is my interpretation of expressing gratitude for the year’s harvest. This has become an annual ritual for me ever since I’ve been in business for myself. Every year I look forward to finding simple ways to reach out to my clients to say thank you for the privilege of working with them.

I also have a head full of creative ideas these days, and I’m hoping to spend some time this weekend on my personal writing and design projects. I’ve been able to make more time for my creativity this year than ever before, and I’m learning that the more I create, the more peaceful and purpose-filled my life becomes. I’m so grateful for this!

If you are looking for your own ways to express gratitude, or to jot down tiny creative notes, or to write mini love letters (or to tag gifts!) you might enjoy this printable sheet of mini lined notepapers, my gift for you today. Print the PDF on cardstock, cut out the little notepapers, and use them as you see fit!


Whatever you are up to this weekend, I hope you are doing something meaningful and fun.

Sending love,


8 Responses

  1. Thank you Sarah for your emails, notes and the mini notepapers- I am looking forward to hearing about your future creative endeavors and hope you will share some of them!

    1. Hi Jodi! Thanks for taking a look and leaving a comment! I hope you are settling in to your new home, and I look forward to the chance to meet up with you soon now that you are on the west coast! xo

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